16 June 2013

Progress Report: Still Alive!

Strawberry: Sequoia

Herb Pot
Sunflowers: Solar Eclipse and Incredible 

Sugar Daddy Snap Pea
Sugar Daddy Snap Pea
Sugar Daddy Snap Pea
Sugar Daddy Snap Pea
Nasturtium: Milkmaid

Corn: Martian Jewels (1 of 5 pots)

Bean: Blue Lake Bush

Bean: Blue Lake Bush
Bean: Scarlet Runner Pole
Bean: Scarlet Runner Pole
Bean: Scarlet Runner Pole
Zucchini: Dark Star
African Marigolds


  1. What a lot of different things you have growing, presumably all in pots ? Are you harvesting anything yet ? We had our first sun-warmed strawberry a couple of days ago !


Please feel welcome to share your feedback, questions, advice, and experiences. Always mindful and open to all gardening perspectives from all levels of experiences.