Plot A Full sun from morning until dusk. The shadowed corner receives at least 6 full hours of spring sun in the morning. Not quite 2 foot wide. The patio is @ 25 foot if not a bit longer, and there are lots of unused spaces receiving full sun from noon to dusk for the heat lovers and long day growth (once the majority of the pots are placed in the sidebeds).
Plot B - Full sun in the morning - @ 3 hours and several mismatched hours (3 +/- later in the afternoon. (@ 6 hours of sun, total). Just shy of 3 foot wide. I really would have wished for this side to be the sunny side due to width and more elbow room for developing and expanding plants. But the partial and short time full sun plants should enjoy it. Thinking lettuce, spinach, brassicas, etc.
Plot K (for Kitchen) Full sun from noon to dusk (@ 7-8 hours). 2.5 feet wide.
Please feel welcome to share your feedback, questions, advice, and experiences. Always mindful and open to all gardening perspectives from all levels of experiences.
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Please feel welcome to share your feedback, questions, advice, and experiences. Always mindful and open to all gardening perspectives from all levels of experiences.